Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lucky, Lucky girl...

I be.

I have three gorgeous boyos, who are happy, and mostly healthy, a rock solid marriage to my bestest friend, a tight-knit circle of a few sistas that would bleed for each other, and a wicked sense of humor (most days).

Which is why I know I'll be okay.

I went to the doctor last week, for extreme period pain. Mine was never very bad, until I had Lucien. Then, it got closer together, and started hurting, quite a bit, on the first 1-2 days. I went when he was a year old, and they found nothing, after scaring the crap out of me, and telling me it was probably cancer.

Fast forward 6 years ( I know, yell at me, I deserve it, LOL), and I finally went back, because at this point, I'm almost in tears the first two days, and hurt for a week before my period actually comes.

I picked my doctor in a very scientific manner. I looked up my insurance, who was close, found their websites, picked the all-woman practice closest to me (don't know about you, but my days of allowing strange men to stick things in my vagina have passed, long ago), and went to the "Biography" page.

"Lets see....skinny...skinny...skinnier....chubby....chubbier! Bingo!"

"I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Fluffy please"

Very scientific.

She was awesome, totally set me at ease. For as much of a slut as I was as a teen, I'm usually a bit traumatized by trips to the GYN for days afterwards. This was almost easy.

Until she said she could feel a mass, and told me I needed an ultrasound, and a pelvic scan (for those of you in the know...there is a difference?). I couldn't get an appointment for a few days, and as my period was imminent, I postponed until after it arrived to make the appointment.

The Man is freaking OUT. My mother is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.

I'm pretty zen about the whole thing. I'm really not all that worried. Most things in my life that seemed catastrophic in the beginning, have worked themselves out, most of the time, leaving me better off than I was beforehand.

As long as I don't die, I'll be fine (Captain Obvious!). And really, I am way to busy to have that happening right now.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stride baby, stride.

I have yet to hit mine.

The beginning of school always throws me. We go from sitting by the pool all day during the summer, with the only activities planned involve how many times that week we plan on hitting the library, to GET UP! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE! Don't forget your lunch, homework, shoes, brush your teeth, get your clothes on, "No, you cannot wear that, it's dirty, I don't care that it's your favorite", "Where are your cleats, soccer starts in 6 minutes!", "Get your flashcards, tutoring today after school".

It's exhausting!

IT also coincides with my busy season, shows almost every weekend, and The Man's busy work time as well.

Currently, my house looks like a bomb went off it, of the very messy kind, my children were very excited to have dinner last night, that I cooked, not just heated up, and I desperately need a haircut, LOL.

How do you adjust to all the changes in schedule once school starts?

And counting....

Only a few more days till my dad's birthday.

I chose to have Caleb's birthday party with the family, on it. I invited everyone I could think of, in terms of family and family friends. It will not only be a celebration of my absolutely fabulous son's 13th birthday, but a celebration of my dad's life. I'm still spending some days figuring out how to breathe in a world that he's not in anymore, but I'm getting there.

We'll all crack a Natural Light Beer, and toast, while playing Inna Gadda Da Vida, his favorite song.

Then, I'll get shit faced, and sit in Baby and cry for a few hours, after everyone leaves.

I miss him.